Why is okay to make dads the stupid ones in commercials and tv shows? Is it just me that is bothered by this at times? A recent article in the Baltimore Sun commented on those AT&T cell phone commercials that made the fathers look like weak buffoons. This cell phone commercial is funny but doesn't resort to undermining the valuable role of a father.
I remember watching an interview with Bob Newhart explaining that in the different sitcoms he was in he did not want to have children, because fathers usually end up as the butt of the jokes. However, on the Cosby show, the dad was never on the butt end of the jokes from the kids. You always knew he was in charge, and it was funny. Then came the Simpsons and changed all that. I have to admit I am part of the guilty party that watched the show. But I figured it was a cartoon.
Still I worry about the implication when fathers are portrayed in such a negative light. Maybe making fun of dads is representative of something more. Does it go back to our desire to stick it to the one with the power? Is it a way of venting on the ones that can take it, as this 30 Rock so hilariously illustrates. Just the same, I wonder what the cost is of making fun of all these dads?
My husband regularly rants about the stupid male ads on TV. So, no, you aren't alone in your reactions. I think you may be on to something with respect to harpooning those with power. It's still a white man's world, even with the recent changes in political power, etc.
ReplyDeleteEven so, responsible fatherhood is nowhere on the media radar screen. At least nowhere I can readily see. You may want to team up with some fatherhood organizations during and after your career at USU.
Yes, this is true for a lot of TV shows and ads. In a male dominated society, I am wondering what the strategy is?
ReplyDeleteMaybe, men don't want to be seen as having a role in parenting or household duties? Maybe, men would prefer to stick to the traditional 1950's roles?
Personally, I would like to see more egalitarian families on TV and in TV ads.
Oh, this issue makes me mad. I guess it is because growing up, my mother didn't let us watch shows like the Simpsons. She always ranted about the same thing you just did. And, I think she was right. However, it is probably easier (and more alluring for audiences:humor factor) to make fun of dads instead of show them in a better light.
ReplyDeleteI think this stigma along with many other family stigmas can be detrimental...however I think that it will take a lot ot change. As Patricia said, it is much easy (and more marketable) to make fun than to change.
ReplyDeleteIf you had stupid moms, then you would get cussed out for being a woman hater. Making fun of the the group perceived to be at the top of the proverbial heap is always acceptable. I figure in some ways we have earned that reputation ;) I think Dan might be onto something...if we convince the other sex we can't do the parenting thing....
ReplyDeleteThe stupid dads usually follow stereo types of hicks or control freaks.
I've actually noticed this before and it irritates me! Examples include everybody loves Raymond, The King of Queens and another one I can't remember. Anyway TV frequently makes that dads look dumb! I've wondered if it's because the shows are written by women but myopinion is that actually the shows are written targeting women to make them feel better about themselves by making their male counterparts look incompetent.