Saturday, March 28, 2009

Madonna's Adoption Woes

Normally I do not care about Madonna, although she is a good diagnostic example of someone falling on Axis II between Histrionic and Narcissistic. It is interesting that she gets a lot of flack for wielding her power and money to push a second international adoption through. It is interesting that a lot of things are pointed out excpet that these children are not being adopted into two parent homes. Normally, this might cause me concern. This blog is about the importance of fathers. However, even with that in mind I recognize that there are exceptions to every rule.

Although I would love it if these kids could go to two parent homes, this is extremely unlikely. I even kind of wonder why these countries do not let more people adopt these children. Normally these children would spend the rest of their lives in abject poverty, and will die early deaths. I realize that they will be less likely to maintain their cultural identity, but the alternatives seem so much worse. So I say let her take all the kids she wants. (Angelina already has ten doesn't she?). Despite my extreme moral disregard for Madonna, I believe that adopting these kids is providing them with an extremely better life had they staid where they were at. Am I wrong to think this?


  1. I suppose it depends on whether you see temporal needs as the highest priority for these children. Some would say the morals espoused by our country are far more detrimental for the child's soul than hunger. I suppose I like to think that a child raised by Madonna would be spared hunger or death and be provided opportunities to go back to the homeland one day to make a contribution to the well-being of the people there.

  2. Nice post, Marci. If being adopted by a rich American could lead to the greater good of our country or theirs, and not just the development of another "material girl [or boy]", then it makes more sense to have her adopt these children. While I agree with Jim that cultural considerations may not need to play such an important role, we cannot see things from the perspective of Malawi citizens. Our country has a long history of conflict about interracial adoption, with some of its detractors being the Association of Black Social Workers.

  3. Their physical health may improve, but what about the impact on their mental health. Some of these celebrities aren't necissarily ideal parents. Also, how will removing the child from their culture impact them now and down the line?

    There are so many children out there that need help. I guess I just wonder how we can better help address issues in their own countries that are causing so many children to be in need. Otherwise, the number of children needing help will always out number those being helped.
